Friday, September 10, 2010

American-Muslim Relations

Local Imam Sameh Asal discusses the current shaky relations in America with Muslims, the Ground Zero Mosque, Pastor Terry Jones, Qur'an Burnings and Bible readings.

MP3 File


  1. Bill - great show, i appreciate your reporting style. This is positive and educational.

  2. Appreciate the reporting and the opportunity to hear Imam Asal's point of view.

    Iyad Hindi.

  3. That pastor is a "crasy ignorant"

    I pray allah to guide him to the religion of truth which is islam !

  4. Appreciate the imam's contribution and hope both sides learn something from this experience!

  5. Khalifah Aaed:We are ALL Muslims worshipping ONE God-Khaleq not Makhlooq and Qur'an is the final sealed Book for ALL...Salama

  6. This was a beneficial interview and showed the moderate view--and the vast majority view--of the American-Muslim community. Imam Asal is the voice of reason and a bridge builder between Muslims here and Americans from other faith traditions. The interview was well done and I appreciate hearing it.

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