Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bill Lumaye Show Exclusive! "Even Though (The HB2 Song)"

With the cancellation of Pearl Jam's Raleigh concert due to outrage over HB2 (the bathroom bill), Agent Arsen contacted his cousin in Seattle, Arsen Bedwedder (who is allegedly a friend of Eddie Vedder) to write and produce a song to sum-up reaction to the on-going controversy. Artist: Arsen Bedwedder Song: “Even Though (I Look Like a Man, I Feel Like a Woman -The HB2 Song)” PEEE-IN’, REALLY GOTTA’ GO, BUT McCRORY SAY’S I CAN’T, AGAIN OH, FEELIN’, MAYBE HE’LL SEE A LITTLE CLEARER IN THE MORNING, CAN YOU HEAR IT? (AIR HORNS) OH, HECK NO, IT AIN’T ABOUT MOM’S AND KIDS, IT’S ABOUT MY BLADDER, I STILL GOTTA’ GO OH OH, TAM-MEEE, I CAN’T HELP THAT I’M PRETTY IN THIS DRE-ESS, STOP CAUSIN’ ME STRE-ESS, EVEN THOUGH, I COULD CHANGE MY BIRTH INFO-OH I WON’T DO IT, I’D RATHER CHANGE YOUR MIND TODAY ANY DAY-AY, THIS IS WHERE I’LL STAY-AY-AY-AY IN THE WOMEN’S ROOM (EVEN THOUGH) I LOOK LIKE A MAN, YEAH!

MP3 File

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