Bill LuMaye

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tagg Romney drops by Bill's Show!

MP3 File


  1. Tagg, your dad is a LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR

    1. Judi, please tell me what he is lying about? Please do tell because you seem so adamant, there must have a ton of things you know he's lying about. But please also explain how you don't attribute that same description to a President who KNEW that there was a orchestrated terrorist attack in Libya within 24hrs (the state dept admitted under oath they knew) and then continued to tell us Americans that it was a demonstration over a video? Any fair-minded intelligent Democrat would stop supporting this President.

    2. That his plan will create 12 million jobs. 7 million of those jobs come from a prediction of growth over *8* years, and another 3 million come from a study based on current Obama energy policy (Which Romney claims to repeal).

      Then there's his claim about his tax cuts (Along with reduction in tax deductions) being both revenue neutral and not having the net effect of shifting taxes from the wealthy to the middle class. There have been a bunch of checks on this, feel free to Google them yourself.

      There's also the repeated and deliberate misrepresentation of what Obama said when he said "You didn't build that" (Which, in context, obviously was referring to roads and bridges, and not businesses themselves). The Romney campaign *admitted* they were grossly misprepresenting the truth because it fit better into their campaign narrative.

      Then there's the lie that Obama apologized for America, quoting him saying "If we talk about the economy, we're going to lose" in ads (Obama himself was actually quoting McCain in 2008).

    3. OH Bear!

      that's hilarious!

      *wipes tear from laughing so hard*

      Sure, Sure.

      Mittens is KNOWN for his HONESTY.



      Cognitive dissonance as much fun as it seems?

    4. Please refer to front page story: Study author says study doesn't support Romney's job creation numbers. To go with the six "studies" Romney cites that aren't six studies: two are blog posts, one's an op-ed written by his own staff member.

      Or would you prefer the Pell grant program Romney said he wanted to keep growing, when in fact his budget slashes it? Or for a light refresher, try the auto bailout Romney has the chutzpah to try to take credit for, when he opposed not just bankruptcy, but any federal money at all, which would have KILLED GM instead of "strengthening" it.

      With regard to Romney's craven rush to capitalize on the Libyan attack, new facts are STILL emerging, and a local group, Jamar al-Shariah, seems to have decided to attack, according to locals, because of the video. Which is why hulking ignorant glass-jawed ghouls should refrain from mucking in where angels fear to tread.

    5. He wants to punch the POTUS eh? He just committed a Class D Felony. I wonder if he will be punished for it.

      Threatening the President of the United States is a class D felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871[1]. It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making "any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States". The United States Secret Service investigates suspected violations of this law and monitors those who have a history of threatening the President.

    6. Just cause you want to punch someone doesn't mean it's a threat. I would like to punch the Prethident too, if he called my dad a liar but that doesn't I'm threatening to do it!

    7. Maggie, I love it when you brilliant college students learn a new word or phrase and try to find a reason to use it like "cognitive dissonance". Yeah you know Mittens oh so well, I can tell. You know how dishonest he is right? Does the president's actions about Benghazi give you any pause. I think if you call Mittens a liar and not Obama when he is caught red handed, that is the height of cognitive dissonance.
      Since you know Mittens so well, I'm sure you are familiar with the story of when he shut down his company for a week and paid for 50 employees to fly to New York, paid for their hotel, food, transportation while there, and set up a command center to help find one of his business partners daughter that was lost. They found her because of his actions. I'm sure you also know the story of when he anonymously paid for 7,000 pints of milk every week for a homeless veterans home for 2 solid years. Or how about that he paid for and supported a family that had 2 sons who were paralyzed for years and put those 2 sons thru college. I'm sure you are well aware of all of these stories since you know Mitt so well that you call him by his full name.

    8. You can look for the rest of your life and you will not find one story like that for Obama. His own brother lives in a 6x9ft dirt floor hut. How you people continue to support a man with such little character and so much arrogance while lambasting one thais has that character and is humble about it, is hard for me to get my open mind around.
      Oh and for Zactard, here are the links to those stories I just cited above:
      And and

    9. Bear... hush little boy. Adults in the room are talking.

    10. @bear Shelton: For one, Romney could pay for all this because because he made $20,000,000 in a year and still paid 14%, yes 14% tax. Obama doesn't.

    11. Yeah, 9aeo5cb8(etc.) people like you hate it when real facts get out there, it interrupts the propaganda you try to peddle. Did you read what I wrote about, you heartless lemming? Your guy's brother lives in an F'ing hut and he is the most powerful man in the world! And these adults you speak of, they have allegiance to the guy who campaigns using Big Bird and Binders of Women, right? Just checking.
      Sourabh90- spoken like a true-blue, class-envying Marxist. No, Obama pays right at 20%, just 6 points more than Romney and far below the 39% he is proposing people who make his kind of money should pay (hypocrite). Also, just a lil lesson for you tax neophytes out there,, Romney is earning money on money he has already paid taxes on, and the taxes he is paying is called the capital gains tax. Yes, I''m sure you believe that he should pay higher except, of course, if it were you having to pay it. That's how liberals operate. Case in point, Barack Obama paying 20% when he is advocating a 39% rate. The left is filled with hypocrisy and blinded by ideology. I'll quote one of my favorite liberal minds, Russell Brand, "I hate Capitalism, except, of course, when it benefits me."
      One last thing, do you know anyone that would do the things that I just described about Romney in my previous post? Even if they had all his money. I don't think you do, there are not too many people like that. Ya know what, boys and girls, I know something we can do. We can do a little class exam, it won't be hard test, I promise. Here is how you can tell if you would do some things like Mr. Romney, go log into your bank account and add up where you donate your money. Now find out what that percentage is of your income, Ok? What you'll find out about yourself and most people, like Joe Biden and Barack Obama, you are probably in the single digits or even less. Oh, but I can hear you now, "But, Mr. Bear, I don't have that kind of money and time to do any more." "My mom & dad haven't given me enough for me to give anything away, but those rich people, they need to be giving more because they have so much" You see, boys and girls, you are rich. We in America compared to the rest of the world are very rich. Our poor people here, would be considered upper class in many other countries. But, I know, we have iPad's we have to buy and cute tops we have to buy and new shoes that we have to buy and restaurants we have to eat at, you know all that stuff we have to do. Yes, I know we do, I have to do all those things too, but children, it takes on a more tangible meaning when we examine what WE are doing and what we are expecting others to do. But guess what boys and girls? Our next president actually does do all those things and he gives more than 30% of his income away per year on top of the taxes that he is paying and here's the good part, one day you can grow up to be just like him.

    12. You need to get fact checked my friend... Lies upon lies upon lies... So hush little boy, adults in the room are talking...

  2. Tagg when poppa is out to lout the workers and enrich his elite buddies he is going to get slagged off. Obamar is no better but out of the 2 I WOULD GO WITH THE PRESIDENT.

  3. All hat, No cattle! Tagg was neutered long ago, Secret Service or no. Clearly the truth hurts, though.

  4. As a former Marine, blackbelt, general ass-kicker, etc., I find it amusing when these bruise-easily, panty-waist pretty boys start talking tough. Really. Ever broken some ribs and popped a lung and still had to keep going? No? I'm so surprised.

    It's not punching somebody that makes you tough. It's taking a punch to the gut, falling down and spitting blood, and then getting up. And then punching that bastard's lights out. That's tough. Blargh.

  5. Millions have Bravely Given All, Tagg's dad isn't even Brave enough to show all taxes.

  6. If your dad can't take the heat, Tagg, I don't want him in the kitchen. And neither should you.

  7. Clearly the young man was raised well. Nothing better to consider than punching POTUS. Classy.

  8. Hey Tagg, your dad is not only a liar, he's a lying coward who marched in favor of drafting sending other boys off to die then ran to France with his tail between his legs to hide out. You talk big over the radio, don't you. Yeah, you remind me of your dad.

  9. Tagg, you've been going on about how much you supported the troops in Iraq and the war there--HOW COME YOU NEVER SIGNED UP?


  10. His bs about two yr missionary work keeping him from a ten yr war was the last red flag for me an indepependent...The Romney family's motto "Do what we say not what we do!"

    1. Romney not only used his missionary work as an excuse to avoid service, he also had the bad taste to counter-protest in favor of the draft!

  11. Interesting that Tag admits his dad "was terrified" before the debate...It showed.

  12. Tagg, your dad is a liar a cheat..sorry about your luck....oh and a coward also....

  13. Romney put his dog on the top of a car going 70 mph and made him stay there for over 10 hours with NO compassion - even when the dog was so frightened that he had severe diarrhea. He and his wife still laugh about it - though initially he tried to lie because he could see that other people didn't like the story.

    Romney is a sociopath or a psychopath. Completely unable to empathize with any other living being - human or animal.
    Romney has spent his entire psychopathic life disregarding and bullying people and greedily making money as shown here:
    WOW. Maybe that is job creation in Romney's China...
    The same total disregard for animals and for human beings that Mitt Romney had at Bain is the same disregard and disdain that he has for all but the 1%. He has shown, and continues to show, who he truly is by his actions, his lies and his inconsistency. A vote for Rmoney or any of the republican/teapublican congresspersons is a vote for the rape and cannibalization of our entire economy with only the wealthiest benefitting. VOTE for US, for AMERICA, for AMERICANS! VOTE straight, DEMOCRATIC BLUE!!!
    Romney pathological liar:

  14. Tagg Romney is a petulant little brat. If he's so full of aggression, why didn't he sign up for the military and fight for his country? He's moved to fight when people rightfully call his dad a liar, so perhaps he should be willing to fight for his country.

  15. Like father, like son. Both are disrespectful, petulant, arrogant jerks.

  16. Bear in mind that Tagg Romney is in his early 40s.

  17. I'm sure if I grew up with my dad pushing my face into cereal bowls as a joke I'd wan to beat up the president and eevryone else too.

  18. What a douche bag. As if taking a swing at the President will make his daddy's lies any truer.

  19. Tagg, you're a grown man...Your father is a LIAR. You need to accept that. And every time he got in the President's face with his lying sneering face, I wanted to punch him.

  20. Tagg sounds just as dumbass as his father. Hesitant speaking and for a man his age, he sounds like a teenager. None of the Romneys have EVER served this country. None - going all the way back in the family. How come no one ever calls him a draft dodger?

  21. Tagg. For you to indicate that you wanted to hit the President of the United States show what your father did on stage. You nor he, has any respect for the President. You are disregarding the office. Everyone is beneath you and you and your entire family. "You will wait your turn to speak!" To the President. You degrade the Presidency and this country by your actions, statements and your fathers lies and actions. He is a disgraceful bully.

  22. Yup! Dad sure did teach you how to treat other people! Unbelievable! Tagg you are a pugnacious arrogant individual who needs a solid kick in the a$$, though, that will not help you. You're a lost cause along with the rest of your family. It's time for you all to move to another country. We are tired of you and your disrespectful manner

  23. Nice little Mormon boy. BTW, who named this kid? Sarah Palin?

  24. Tagg, your dad won't win the president's chair by lying his way through, or bullying his way through, or creating another war (as it has become a costume for the conservative party), or starving to death immigrants families. You can bully all you want, even try to punch the president if you have the nerve to do it, it does not change the fact that you and your dad are nothing but common disrespectful bullies, bs talkers, and cowards when it comes to serving the country's militia. Yet he is dying to send thousands overseas to get them kill just to prove what a bully he can be. Maybe when that time comes you should be up front leading the first batallion facing the enemy.

  25. Romney is a LIAR and Tagg, your comments show your lack of respect of the office your dad seeks to win in Nov. If this sort of behavior is indicative of your up-bringing, you have given the public cause to be concerned.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Hahaha conservatives, happy to spew hateful bs, but when you throw facts at em, like happened with this bear retard above, they refuse to comment and start spewing more dumb bigotry.

      Hears a hint bear, when you ask people to debate your points and they do, the proper response is to link facts of your own and a rebuttal, otherwise its not a debate, its you spewing veal without support

      So go ahead and compile your facts, ill wait.

    3. WTF are you talking about zaktard? What facts were thrown at me? Those were not facts, that was a guess, a guess, by a someone who no doubt supports Obama. TPN is also a known left leaning site. But of course, in your youthful mind, if it's in print it must be true. I answered in kind to the way I was being responded to. Btw genius, here's a hint to you, one of the reasons a person will use quotation marks around words is because they are quoting verbatim from a something that is spoken or written. And ya know what, that's what I was doing when I put these quotation marks around a phrase that came directly from Romney's plan on Pell Grants...mmmk? You can find that phrase I quoted by typing these words: Romney plan Pell Grants...mmmk?
      I'm hateful, ha! Have you read this thread? You guys corner the market. I'm one of the few conservatives that will spend/waste my time arguing with you monolithic group-thinkers. Most conservatives are simply to polite or too busy to get in the mud and talk the same talk as you. Or they will actually try to reason with you but that is always a futile effort.

  27. "So much hate" on a post about how a punk son of the right-wing candidate wants to punch out the president, and is stupid enough to say so in public?

    By the way, the study Romney cited about how he would create 3 million jobs? It actually says that they'll be created if THE CURRENT POLICIES ARE MAINTAINED.

    As to propaganda, and organs resting on chins, ask not for whom the Teabag tolls, Bear Shelton.

    1. Talking points, talking points.

      "Where angels fear to tread" I'm sorry I didn't know I was interacting with Emerson.

      He said 12 million jobs, 12 not 3. Those are the expectations you should have if this guy is reelected. Obama has a net loss of jobs for his term by 100k+. That study Obama cites is by a former Obama staffer. Have you read his budget, really? Pell grants would "refocus Pell Grant dollars on the students that need them most and place the program on a responsible long-term path that avoids future funding cliffs and last-minute funding patches." That's not slashing it! Oh are you one of those who think government should provide a college education for everyone?
      You must be in your early 20's, because only kids and their mentors in academia [and Obama phone recipients (not a racist comment)] think that money should be just given to them from a benevolent authority. Money is generated by the marketplace and then confiscated by the gov through taxes and then doled out in one form by way of Pell Grants. So for someone to receive a Pell Grant someone else has to pay for it.

      When is Romnay trying to take credit auto bailouts? He did not oppose bankruptcy, he said they should go thru bankruptcy. Your youth is showing again. Bankruptcy would have helped the auto industry, as it does in most businesses, by shedding wasteful business practices. Some would have lost their jobs yes but GM would have come back stronger in the end. They were bloated and needed to cut back. By the way Bush is the one who bailed out the auto industry, Obama just continued to perpetuate that disastrous idea. Oh, and... GM is probably going to file BK again.

      I would check your sources on the video blame for their political biases. It is clear as the balls on your chin, that the President's admin knew that there was no demonstration that led to the attack within 24hrs, yet that is exactly what they told Americans for 2 weeks. I'll take a break here so you can swallow the aforementioned camel.

      I'll wait...


      Seriously, what I dont understand is what are your reasons for supporting Obama? He hasn't done 1/3 of what he said he would do. Commodities have sky rocketed causing food and gas prices to soar, unemployment (U6) is around 15%, dependency on gov has risen to unprecedented levels, deficit has doubled, debt has increased to 16T. Do you not see how this will effect your life in the next couple years? He doesn't have the "know how" to turn these things around. Why would you support someone that has failed to live up to 67% of the promises they made, and demagogue a guy with a great track record of turning things around? This is not an election about gay rights or abortion, those issues can be dealt with later. The existence of the country we know and the fruits of it's progress that we enjoy are in jeopardy. All expert non-biased economists are saying that there will be a recession starting 1st quarter next year if we stay on the track Obama has set us on.

    2. Mass. was 47th in job production when Mittens was there.

      What will Mittens do differently when the stakes are higher?

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. His statment about wanted to punch the president does not shock me as much as the way he speaks about his father. Yes he had nothing but nice things to say but he did not sound like a son praising his dad but instead like someone say what he was told to say. He did not seem to be convinced his dad was the best man for the job himself. If his son does not sound like he believes in his dad...then why should I?

  30. Tagg? Punching someone?

    He's never even slapped anyone...

    Or maybe he's a Navy Seal?

  31. Romneys...Greedy little sh*ts with too much money, one and all.

  32. How stupid is Romney's son, and Mittens and Annie for not bringing up this brat better?

    1. This couple tied their dog to the roof of their car for ten hours. The dog got sick.
      So scared, it RAN. AWAY.

      Mittens and Queene Anne laugh and laugh over this HIGH-larious story.

      So, so empathetic, those two.


    Romney doesn't think that the rules apply to him.
    1. He asked his potential VP candidates to submit years and years of taxes. Mitt? He won't show his.

    2. While living in Utah to run the Olympics, Mitt claimed the lower resident taxes instead of the higher out-of-state real estate taxes. Then, when he wanted to run for Governor and Massachusetts had a 7 year residency requirement, he change his status to out-of-state, blaming it on a clerical error.

    3. Instead of investing his money in the Unites States, it is working for Mitt off shore and tax free.

    4. David Letterman said that any man who would put his dog on the roof of his car shouldn't be president.

    5. Romney is afraid to appear on the view and be confronted by liberal women with sharp tongues. Ann will be there today, along with Bristol. Romney also won't appear on Letterman's show. If he can't stand up to a late night comedian and some women (who aren't in binders), he's really a coward.

    6. Only a coward needs a pack of guys behind him when pulling his funny stunt of cutting off the poor guy's hair.

    7. Mitt thought it was funny to dress up as a Michigan state trooper and pull people over, LOL.

    8. I don't think that Mitt would have a sense of humor if someone pushed his face into a plate of food. He is the typical bully, able to hand it out and unable to take a joke.

  34. Also,

    while Gov. Mittens CUT unemployment aid b/c he wanted mothers to have the "dignity" of a job - while Queen Anne stayed home and baked cookies, apparently.

    Was she lacking in "dignity", Mittens?

    She is certainly lacking class...

  35. Tagg? Really? Sounds like a Romney/Sarah Palin love child.

  36. Mr. Romney Senior is a blatant and serial liar. Tagg Romney is a nitwit.

  37. Barry can't even run a lemonade stand let alone the nation. He's bankrupted it. For the amount of money he spent on the stimulus, he could have given every American $200,000 and that might would have helped but he knows nothing about capitalism.

  38. Tagg probably also wanted to have his friends hold Obama down and cut his hair. Like father, like son.

  39. Liberal and Democrat voters are the LEAST "fact-educated" people on the planet, and their votes are usually nothing but ignorant party loyalty.

    They're the kind of people who "hate the rich", but play the LOTTERY twice a week hoping to WIN instant wealth overnight!

    Because they don't have the brains, work ethic, or common sense to BUILD their own wealth, but they'll never admit it either.

  40. MOST Obama voters don't understand "capitalsm" or the "free market", but think they're "scams" BECAUSE they don't understand them.

    They also don't like being told that their hourly wage is determined by how much their labor is worth to their EMPLOYER, ... NOT how much they try to DEMAND being paid!

    Because MOST workers are being paid 3 to 4 times MORE than their labor is actually worth, which is WHY businesses lay them off or move to other countries.

    It's "common sense" being shouted down and forced out of America by ignorantly incompetent workers who just want to get paid so they can buy cigarettes, beer, and go on vacations that they didn't EARN.

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