Bill LuMaye

Friday, June 29, 2012

Dallas Woodhouse takes on Perry Woods over Obama-Care!

Part 1 of the debate between Dallas Woodhouse of American's For Prosperity & Perry Woods, guest-hosting with Dr. Michael Munger.

MP3 File

Dr. Munger & Perry Woods on Obama-Care

Guest hosts, Perry Woods & Dr. Michael Munger take calls on the Health Care Law ruling.

MP3 File

Robert Alt on the Obama-Care Ruling

Guest hosts, Perry Woods & Dr. Michael Munger talk with Robert Alt from the Heritage Foundation about the Health Care Law ruling.

MP3 File

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Blake Butler, Perry & Dr. Munger on Obama-Care!

Progressive radio host, Blake Butler joins guest hosts Perry Woods & Dr. Michael Munger on the Obama-Care ruling.

MP3 File

Perry Woods & Dr. Munger on Obama-Care Ruling

Perry Woods & Duke Professor, Dr. Michael Munger discuss today's Supreme Court ruling on the Health Care Law.

MP3 File

Wednesday, June 27, 2012