Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What Happened With The Arizona and Michigan Primaries?

Marc Rotterman, Republican Political Consultant talks about the Arizona and Michigan Primaries

MP3 File

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Who Can Beat President Obama?

John Hood from the John Locke Foundation spent time talking about who can beat Obama on the Republican ticket.

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Should We Have A Charter School in RTP?

Dick Ford, a supporter of the Research Triangle High School, on opposition within the Durham School System.

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How Do You Stand Up To A Liberal?

Political Organizer Tim Daughtry of Concord Bridge Consulting and Co-Author Gary Caselman. They have written a book on how to stand up to liberals.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Should We Privitize Social Security?

Dr. Josiah Baker from Methodist University talks to Bill about Social Security.

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What Should We Do About High Gas Prices?

Jeff Shaw spends the hour talking to Bill Lumaye about Drilling Oil and our energy policy.

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How Do You Feel About Drilling for Oil?

Nick Loris from the Heritage Foundation talks about High Gas Prices and Drilling.

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A New Documentary about African American Conservatives

Kevin Daniels from the NC Chapter of the Frederick Douglass Foundation talks to Bill about an upcoming documentary on African American Conservatives.

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Wake School Board member - Debra Goldman

Accusations of continued political partisanship on the school board.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Put Down That Cookie!

Rob Thompson of the Covenant with N.C.'s Children debates Bill on allowing government food inspectors into our children's school lunch box.

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Liberty - Is It Dead in America?

Dr. Greg Brannon of Founder's Truth explores liberty in America.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dad Shoots Teen Daughter's Lap Top - Too Much?!

Dr. Mike Munger on the story of a Dad who shot-up his daughter's lap top to teach her a lesson!

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Local Reaction: Susan G. Komen for the Cure

Kathy Burns, President of the Triangle's Susan G. Komen for the Cure, reacts to the National organizations recent Planned Parenthood funding decision.

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Raise the Minimum Wage!

Jeff Shaw of the N.C. Justice Center backs the idea of raising the minimum wage for restaurant workers, and tells us why.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bill LuMaye Show Terry Stoops Interview

Terry Stoops of the John Locke Foundation chats with Bill on how teacher training is shaping up in NC.

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

More on Catholics & Govt. Mandated Birth Control Coverage

Jeff Shaw from the N.C. Justice Center debates the Constitutionality of government mandated coverage for birth control.

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The Doctor is In The House!

Constitutional scholar, Dr. Greg Brannon uses the Constitution as a guide to interpret this weeks latest issues like mandated contraceptive coverage at Catholic Hospitals under the orders of the Obama administration.

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King of the Lobbyists - Jack Abramoff

Former lobbyist Jack Abramoff talks about his days spent influencing our representatives in Washington.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Is Santorum For Real?

John Hood of the John Locke Foundation, rates Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum's chances of winning a few upcoming primaries.

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Charter Schools Create Competition, Is That So Bad?

Eddie Goodall, Executive Director of the N.C. Public Charter Schools Association discusses the affect of Charters on Public Schools when it comes to funding & competition.

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Catholics Conflicted Over Employer Paid Contraception

Jeff Field, Communications Director for the Catholic League talks about the Obama administration requiring employers to pay for birth control.

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Monday, February 6, 2012

What Would Jesus Do?

The President evokes Jesus as a way to promote charitable giving, including paying your fair share of taxes!

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Let Them Eat Ice Cream

Carrboro Mayor Mark Chilton describes his meeting with Occupiers over the weekend after they took-over a vacant building in town slated to become a drug store.

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It's Time To Get Politically active!

Conservative Political Activist, Algenon Cash describes how he first became politically active and gives us his thoughts on Perdue's reason for not running for re-election.

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Friday, February 3, 2012

The Latest Gubernatorial Challenger

WPTF's Gurnal Scott reports on the latest challenger to enter the Democratic field for N.C. Governor, former Congressman Bob Etheridge.

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Abortion & the Obama Administration

Rob Schofield of N.C. Policy Watch debates Bill on abortion policy set forth by the Obama administration regarding religious affiliated hospitals.

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Another New Home Re-Fi Program from the President?

Heritage Foundation Senior Research Fellow, David John says the President's new home re-financing program doesn't look so good after you read the details.

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Ban Prayer in the General Assembly?

N.C. Representative Skip Stam talks about the race for Governor and the ACLU's problem with prayer during General Assembly meetings.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Poverty in America, What's The Solution?

Rob Thompson of the Covenant with N.C.'s Children, debates Bill on the best way to help the poor.

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Representative Price Is No Fan of SuperPacs.

U.S. Representative David Price tells Bill why he is against SuperPacs and the influence they have on candidates for major office.

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Global Warming? Yeah, right!

Dr. Roy Cordato of the John Locke Foundation contradicts the n&O's claims about global warming.

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Why the Tea Party?

Sonnie Johnson, a Tea Party activist in Virginia tells us why she decided to get politically active and join the Tea Party.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Romney's Class Warfare

Democratic Consultant, Perry Woods examines a recent statement by Presidential candidate Mitt Romney about the middle class.

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Black History Month - What You Haven't Heard Before

Kevin Daniels of the Frederick Douglas Foundation, gives us a perspective of Black History Month few may have heard before.

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How's the Economy Doing Now?

Methodist University Economist, Josiah Baker gives us details on the CBO report and recent economic indicators.

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Who Does The Tea Party Back for President?

Forsyth County Republican Party Chair, Nathan Tabor gives details on a straw poll of the N.C. Tea Party.

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