Thursday, September 30, 2010

WEP's New President Called Into Wake School Issue

Steve Parrot, the new President of Wake Education Partnership, who has replaced Ann Denlinger, talks with Bill about the Wake County School Assignment Plan, his stand on it, and WEP.

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Big Companies Say "Bye-Bye" to NC

Tom Vass, an Investment Portfolio Manager from Raleigh, talks with Bill about the North Carolina economy struggling due to large corporations that once recruited the state with tax incentives have now moved operations.

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The Truth Behind the Big Bank Crisis

Rick Rothacker, a reporter for the Charlotte Observer and author of "Banktown: The Rise and Struggles of Charlotte's Big Banks", discusses the truth behind the Bank of America and Wachovia crisis.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Perry Woods talks about the Wake Co Schools Reassignments

Perry Woods, Democratic Strategist, talks about the Wake County Reassignments.

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Knightdale Mayor talks about Wake County Reassignments

Mayor Russell Killen of Knightdale on school reassignments in Wake County.

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Wake Co School Board Member Talks about Reassignments

John Tedesco, Wake County School Board Member talks about reassignments and their controversies.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mayor Meeker Calls Mayors to Schools Issue

Mayor Charles Meeker, Mayor of Raleigh, comments on school reassignments in Wake County and calling mayors of Wake to support a committee to scrutinize the reassignment plan.

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Mayors Talk Wake School Assignment Plan

Mayor Frank Eagles of Rolesville and Mayor Dick Sears of Holly Springs talk with Bill on the school reassignment plan in Wake County and share their stand on the issue.

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Where Did They Come From?

Steve Milloy, Founder of, discusses with Bill the sudden spread of Bedbugs in America.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

The Knower of Important Things on Going Negative

Dr. Michael Munger, Economist and Duke University Professor, discusses why negative campaign ads work so well.

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Wake County School Board vs. NAACP (again)

Ron Margiotta, Wake County School Board Chairman, discusses the recent NAACP Federal Civil Rights Complaint against the Wake County School Board.

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Christianity in Fort Bragg

Rob Boston, Senior Policy Analyst for American United for Separation of Church and State, discusses last weekend's Christian Event at Fort Bragg. Did the event step over the line?

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November Elections, Make Your Bets

Michael Barrone of The Washington Examiner discusses the upcoming November Mid-Term Elections.

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This Time We Win, Revisiting the Tet Offensive

James Robbins, Author of "This Time We Win, Revisiting the Tet Offensive," discusses the history of the Vietnam War and the Tet Offensive, how it affected politics back home in America, and what we can learn from it in Afghanistan.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

The Knower of Important Things and The Internet Legend!

Dr. Michael Munger, Economist and Professor at Duke University, and Bob Lee of, discuss a recent letter from NC Economists to Congress to extend the Bush Tax cuts that Dr. Munger DID NOT SIGN!

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Wake County School Board Chairman Ron Margiotta discusses AdvancED and responds to the previous guest, Dr. Mark Elgart.

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Hey Ladies (In Government)!

Mary Katharine Ham, a nationally know pundit, talks about the Year of the Woman Candidate, how Women are treated by the media, and the midterm election environment.

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Garner Building Bumbles

Dr. Michael Sanera, who is a Local Government Analyst for the John Locke Foundation, discusses the Garner planning board/town council situation with builder and home requirements.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

What Else Can Be Cut?

Jeff Shaw and Edwin McLenaghan of the NC Justice Center discuss with Bill their new report about concern over potential decrease in state spending.

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AdvancED Threatens to Deny Wake County Accredidation

Dr. Mark Elgart, President and CEO of AdvancED, discusses with Bill and Rick Martinez, AdvancED's threat to deny accreditation of the Wake County School High Schools and his concerns for Wake County.

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Moore Switched Parties To Run For Governor

Brian Moore, 2008 Socialist Party presidential candidate, discusses with Bill about why he switched to the Democratic Party to run in the Florida gubernatorial primary, where he scored 200,000 votes.

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Obamacare Requires Your Children to Reveal Sexual Preference

Connie Hair, congressional correspondent for Human Events, talks on the House Democratic Bill that would have federal health officials asking kids about their sexual identity.

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A New Republican Pledge

Senator Richard Burr discusses with Bill the Republicans' "Pledge For America", and the recent cloture vote on the National Defense Authorization Bill. We did extend an invitation for Elaine Marshall, North Carolina Secretary of State, to join us on the show; her office declined.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Who is the Real Sarah Palin?

Stephen Mansfield, author of "The Faith and Values of Sarah Palin gives a behind the scenes look at the real Sarah Palin.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Do Community Colleges have the right to deny students?

Stephen Scott, President of Wake Tech, on a new admissions proposal for Community Colleges that would allow the state's 58 two-year colleges to deny admission if a potential student poses a health or safe risk.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Joe Coletti (John Locke Foundation)

The Director of Health and Fiscal Policy Studies for the John Locke Foundation discusses the new North Carolina budget.

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"Mad As Hell" and now has a network

David Jaget, founder of Right Network, discusses his new Conservative-based TV Network.

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Ron Margiotta on the Proposal for a new Assignment Policy

Wake County School Board Chairman Ron Margiotta discusses reactions to the Wake County's business leadership's proposal for a new assignment policy that could lead to high-poverty schools in Southeast Raleigh.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Poverty Rates Highest In Years

Jeff Shaw of the NC Justice Center talks with Bill on poverty rates at 15% in America right now, tax cuts for the middle class, and the stimulus plan.

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Ann Coulter Excited for O'Donnell

Ann Coulter, Conservative Pundit and political author, comments on Christine O'Donnell winning the Republican primary in Delaware.

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New Student Assignment Plan Coming to Wake County!

Harvey Schmitt, President of the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce, comments on the Wake Education Partnership hiring a consultant to design a new student assignment plan.

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"Fire Pelosi"!

Chairman Michael Steele of the Republican National Convention discusses with Bill the "Fire Pelosi" Bus Tour, an effort for the Republicans to re-take the House of Representatives.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dr. Greg Brannon talks about politics and the Tea Party

Dr. Greg Brannon, of Founder's Truth talks politics and about his new organization. Also, he discusses the effects of the Tea Party on current elections and the recent primary wins by some such as O'Donnell in Delaware.

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Apex Mayor Keith Weatherly on Global Warming

Apex Mayor Keith Weatherly on the opposing views to Councilmen Jensen on Global Warming and Government Regulations.

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How do you feel about Global Warming?

Bill Jensen, Apex Town Councilman, on his recent proposed Resolution to encourage new businesses to construct buildings that would accommodate for the use of alternative energy systems.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ann Coulter On The Bill LuMaye Show!

Ann Coulter, Conservative Pundit and Host, discusses with Bill the upcoming November elections, the Tea Party, and the Mosque in New York.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

How do you feel about Third Party Runoff Voting?

Dr. Michael Munger, Professor, and Chair, Department of Political Science and Professor, Departments of Economics and Public Policy at
Duke University talks about third party runoff voting.

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Should Charter Schools get State Funding?

Sen. Eddie Goodall, NC R-Union & President of the North Carolina Alliance for Public Charter Schools on NC Winning the Race to the top funding and how Charter Schools got cut out.

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Should someone have the right to burn a Quran?

Duncan Phillip, a Wyoming Resident and founding member of the Wyoming Tyranny Response Team, on this past weekend's intended Quran burning and why it Didn't go through.

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Friday, September 10, 2010

The Internet Legend Returns!

The Internet Legend Himself Bob Lee returns to the studio to talk about all issues North Carolinian.

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American-Muslim Relations

Local Imam Sameh Asal discusses the current shaky relations in America with Muslims, the Ground Zero Mosque, Pastor Terry Jones, Qur'an Burnings and Bible readings.

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Can we get out of this slump?

Dr. Mike Walden of NC State talks about Obama Speech and the current economic environment.

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Child Pornography in the Pentagon?

Judith Reisman, the scientific adviser for the California Protective Parents Association, talks about the Pentagon's recent inactivity to investigate alleged child pornography purchases by employee of the Department of Defense and members of the military.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Illegals With Misdemeanors Ignored

Jeff Shaw of the NC Justice Center talks with Bill on comprehensive immigration reform, illegals who come into the states for work, and immigrants with misdemeanors.

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Commissioner Resigns Allowing Democratic Successor

Tony Gurley, Chair of the Wake County Board of Commissioners, comments on Commissioner Harold Webb stepping down from the board and upcoming elections.

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Pain Meds Database, Part 2

Sara Preston, Policy Director of the NC ACLU, expresses that the ACLU is against this pain medication legislation because it severs privacy between doctors and patients.

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Pain Meds Database, Part 1

Sheriff Donnie Harrison of Wake County comments on the proposed access listing Pain Medication Users so doctors and law enforcement can view abusers and distributors of prescribed pain meds.

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New Private Schools To Open in Rolseville and Apex

Bob Luddy, a local Entrepreneur and largest donor to the majority on the Wake County School Board, discusses with Bill his opening private high schools in Rolseville and Apex.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Do we need High Speed Rail in Raleigh?

Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker on High Speed Rail, this was brought up in the Council Meeting yesterday, where they then decided to shunt it back to the state D.O.T for possible alternatives.

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Did Governor Easley have the right to shift money?

Bob Orr, retired N.C. Justice (18 years), speaks about the Supreme Court case about whether North Carolina governor can legally shift money from special funds to help balance the state budget. This in regards to Governor Easley shifting money from the Highway Fund to cover shortfalls in the budget.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Documentary Exposes What National TV Doesn't Dare

Jerry Misner and Stan Wold of Eyeful Productions discuss "Southern Exposure," their three hour documentary on illegal immigration in Arizona.

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Job Growth Not Growing Fast Enough

Dr. James Kleckley, Director of the Bureau of Business Research in the College of Business at ECU, discusses the job growth and our current economy.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Union-ited We Get Robbed

Diana Furchtgott-Roth, an economist at the non-partisan Hudson Institute, talks about the possibility of the House and Senate Democrats passing the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA); aka, the "Card Check Bill."

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California (No) Love

Dr. James Enstrom, a Professor and Epidemiologist at UCLA, talks about his recent firing from the university due to his "research not being aligned with the academic mission of the Department."

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The Westboro Baptist Church

Shirley Phelps-Roper of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church talks about her organization's pickets of funerals for fallen soldiers to promote their church's agenda. They are claiming first amendment protections, while opponents are trying to have privacy for families who feel victimized by the church's antagonist antics.

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Can Iraq Survive Without Us?

General Burt Moore, Retired from the Air Force, discusses the end of the major combat operations in Iraq, the final days there, and more.

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Oil Rig Explosion Off Coast of Louisiana

Michel Claudet, President of Terrebonne Parrish in Louisiana, gives Bill the update on the latest oil rig explosion/fire in the Gulf of Mexico and the survivors that were taken to an area in his Parrish.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Woods and Tedesco Debate

Democratic Strategist Perry Woods and surprise guest John Tedesco of the Wake County School Board have a (somewhat heated) discussion about the new school zoning and the graduation numbers.

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The John Tedesco Zone

John Tedesco of the Wake County School Board talks about the recent creation of school zones for busing and student assignment.

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Andrew Hinson Dukes It Out

Andrew Hinson with the Civitas Institute talks about his article on the new UNC System President Thomas Ross and goes toe-to-toe with Rob Schofield of NC Policy Watch on Ross's affiliations and speedy confirmation.

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Dr. Andy Taylor dissects President Obama's Speech on Iraq

Dr. Andy Taylor, chair and professor of political science in NC State's School of Public and International Affairs, joins us to discuss last night's speech by President Obama.

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Andrew Young on the rise and fall of John Edwards

Andrew Young, Assistant to Vice Presidential Candidate and one time Presidential Hopeful John Edwards, joins Bill LuMaye to talk about his tell-all book on the rise and fall of "The Politician."

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